We encourage parents or careers to come into our centre for a tour and meet the centre Director and Educators at a time and day suitable for you and the centre. You will be shown through the centre and the rooms that the children transition to each year.
How to enroll
The centre Director will provide you with an enrolment pack which will include the Centre Handbook Enrolment Forms, Fee Schedule and any other relevant information required.
The procedure is not complicated or time-consuming but it is informative.
Our centre Director and Educators want parents and carers to feel comfortable and happy in their choice of selecting Brighton Childcare and Early Learning Centre for the care of their child in a safe welcoming manner.
Our aim is to provide as much information as you need to have all your concerns covered and for your child settled into childcare in a positive and welcoming manner.
Prepere for Day 1
It is an exciting day for our Educators – a new beginning for your child in Belonging, Being and Becoming from growing and learning at our centre.
It might be a day of anxiety for you, that is natural for all our parents and you can contact our Educators anytime during the day to see how your child has settled.
What to bring
The centre’s Parent Handbook provides full details of what to bring, a summary of which is as follows:
- A sunsafe hat – supplied by centre
- Change of clothes
- Bibs – supplied by centre
- Nappies – supplied by centre
- Dummy in a sealed, named container (if required)
- Bottles with child’s name
- Expressed milk (if required). Breastfeeding is promoted at the centre
- Water bottle with a lid and child’s name on it
- Any medications – please give these to centre staff to manage directly and to enter into the centre’s register/storage in each room
- Food provided – supplied by centre; morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea